So How Did I Do?

I had this post all typed up and ready, but it didn't save so here's attempt #2!
I'm not surprised at all that I didn't complete the 27 things I wanted to do before 28, but I did a decent amount of things. To be honest, I don't think I even consulted the original list after I typed it up. A lot of my list was making changes in my life, which definitely happened.
Learn to code.
- Definitely didn't do this, but I do want to learn. It's going to happen.

- Technically, I did volunteer when I went to Omaha, NE with OneSight.

Run a 5k.
- If you put together all the runs I went on as a 27-year-old, I ran more than a 5k. But, no I didn't run a 5k.

Become more organized with finances.
- YES! It's still a work in progress, but yes.

Become more organized with my life.
- Yes! I've used my planner consistently and stayed pretty organized.

Eat healthier
- Yes! Another work in progress.

Exercise regularly.
-Slowly but surely, I've upped my exercising to 4-5 times a week.

Apply for school.
- I have not applied for school. I haven't decided what I want to pursue, so until I can figure that out I don't want to commit to going back to school. Hopefully soon.

Spend money on experiences rather than material things.
- Success! We've gone to movies, events, etc. Of course there were some material purchases here and there.

Cook one new recipe a week.
- We've tried at least one new recipe a month

Practice yoga.
- I've done a few at home yoga sessions, but I wasn't consistent with it.

Take classes for the sake of knowledge.
- I started a couple classes on Coursera, but they didn't keep me interested.

Pick up a new hobby.
-  I've attempted to do more crafty/ DIY things. I don't think it qualifies at a hobby just yet though.

Facilitate the friendships that mean the most to me.
- Ha. Yes. Definitely.

Reconnect with my religion.
- Slowly, but surely I'm working on it. I know it's going to take some time.

Make a gratitude list.
- I started a list, but I feel like this would be more effective if I make a gratitude list more regularly.

Read at least 25 books.
- I'm currently at 17 books on my 2018 goal.

Plan for and go on a vacation.
- I didn't do much of the planning, but we did go on a vacation finally.

Try a digital detox.
- I attempted, but I think a social media detox would be healthy.

Clean out my closet.
- Yes! I've taken out a lot of clothes that I don't wear to donate. I'm still working on getting staple closet pieces though.

Make a 5 year plan.
- I can't fully make a 5 year plan without a career plan. So, definite failure.

Stop feeling guilty for treating myself.
-I don't think I will ever fully not feel guilty for treating myself, but I feel slightly less guilty when I treat myself.

Go hiking.
-  Does the trail in the park count as a hike? No. Okay, then no but I do want to go hiking.

Wake up when the alarm goes off. Stop hitting that snooze button
- Kind of successful. I hit the snooze a lot less.

Turn our apartment into a more home-y environment.
- So we definitely started to, but then we moved to a new apartment and now we're slacking to do the same in this apartment.

Declutter our space and our lives. \
- Yes! But it's an ongoing process.

Do things that require me to reach outside of my comfort zone.
- I've definitely done this, but not as much as I would like to.


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