Day 23 & 24.

Gather around for the festivities.

Lucky Turkey.
The lucky turkey would be safe.

23. List: Who are you thankful for and why?

  • My husband: He's been there for me when I have definitely been unbearable and loved me unconditionally through everything.
  • My family: They check on me when I don't realize I've been distant and love me no matter how ridiculous I am sometimes.
  • My friends: Specifically the ones that check on me and listen to me vent even when my issues are silly and manageable.

24. What do you understand now that you didn't a year ago?
A year ago, I felt everything was going wrong and things would never turn around. I've learned that everything happens when it's supposed to. Nothing is impossible to overcome.

Challenge Sources:
Six Word Story
November Journal Prompts - Brittney Moses 


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